CRSU Feedback App

֎ SELF Work (Offsite)

֎ Feb 2020 to Mar 2020

֎ The project is about the university's library and canteen feedback app.
֎ This project handles database using Firebase.

֎ Made with Unity.

Project At GitHub

The project is about the university's library and canteen feedback app. This project handles the database for user feedback. I used Firebase to handle the database. The user must register by providing an email address and set a password with a minimum of 6 characters. Users can set his / her profile by providing some information such as username, department, phone number, etc. User can provide feedback about the university library.

● The user may not be able to change all of the profile, email, and password information by himself/herself.
● S/he cannot deactivate/delete her/his account by herself/himself.
● This app loads all users' profile data (name, department, and phone number) into the profile page but only shows the first user's data on any user's request.
