֎ SELF Work (Onsite)

֎ Jan 2019 to Jan 2019

֎ It is a Windows-based application. It is a 2D game.
֎ This game is played by single or two players (rival each other).

֎ Made with CodeBlock(C++).


Project At GitHub

● In a single-player game, if the user has won the toss, he must collect from the CPU all the boxes that are inside the circle. The CPU tries to save these boxes but only inside the circle. The CPU can go inside the circle but the user is free to move forward and backward and downward. The user has 4 player characters and can control them using the left, right, up, down arrows, there are arrow keys to reset the position of the players. During this time if a player character collides with the CPU the user reduces his power by 20 points, but if he is able to collect the box the user's score will increase by 10 points.
● If all the boxes are collected by the user and his power is greater than the CPU then he loses. If the user loses the toss, they must save the boxes from the CPU. Then there is only one character for the user that is inside the circle and can move inside the circle but the CPU has 4 players and they can move forward and backward up and down and collect boxes. Are able to During this time if any player of the CPU collides with the user's player then the CPU will lose its power.

● All these points will be applicable for two-player game.

● This project is a conversation of a real-life game.


● It is difficult for a normal user to understand.
